The Tryst with Tripura

“JAISING – Sire, could I make the goat live again, by giving up a portion of my life, gladly would I do it. But how can I restore that which Mother herself has taken? APARNA – Mother has taken? It is a lie. Not mother, but demon. JAISING – O, the blasphemy! APARNA – Mother, art thou there to rob a poor girl of her love? Then where is the throne, before which to condemn thee? Tell me, King. GOVINDA – I am silent, my child. I have no answer. APARNA – This blood-streak running down…

Tales of Temples and Treks in Mukteshwar

As the sun peeked out from behind Shiva’s matted tresses, he glistened with pleasure at what he saw. The demon lay defeated at the Lord’s feet praying for his forgiveness. Shiva in all benevolence granted him ‘Mukti’ or liberation. “Lord” said the sun “You have displayed your unparalleled greatness yet again”. Shiva gave his divine […] via Tales of Temples and Treks in Mukteshwar — SoWeTravelBlog