This jungle, Sheeba knew, had no laws. Neither for man nor for beast. In this land of uncertainties, both are equally vulnerable. Might, is the only way you can survive these harsh terrains. Without thinking Sheeba, dived into the water and swam towards the village. The lights grew larger as she inched towards land pushing forward with more force. If she returned alive with food, her cubs would eat or else they would perish. That made her push forward harder with stronger strokes. The current was incredibly strong, but Sheeba knew how to trick it and avoid being caught in it. She had navigated this treacherous river many times and each time was as laborious and straining. Every time she treaded these waters, she wondered whether she would come out of it alive.
What was Sheeba seeking? Is she alone in her search or will others join her? Will their search be satiated? To find out place our pre-order to read my short story along with other great works in SOOP’s anthology of Winners.
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Excellent! Can’t praise enough for your writing skill – felt like watching some thriller.
Amazingly woven tales of two ‘women’ fighting each day for survival of their kin. We all know these facts but you force the reader to read till the end as how both types of ‘animals’ have to breach each other’s territory and leave us to think deep – who’s to be blamed? Of course we know the answer but sadly, won’t realize!
Superb..kudos to you ma’am
Thank you so much for reading and appreciating. It is wonderful that my story could inspire these thoughts.