Two sisters. Alike in appearance but contrary in nature. Both leave home but where one of them returns the other goes missing. Binita Sen steps in to help in another bizarre search after Debts of Desire.

The black 4X4 Mahindra Thar SUV sped along the long winding roads of Mussorie. Light was fading and dusk was fast enveloping the hills in a dull blanket. The circular glare from the vehicle’s headlights lit up the road ahead. As the car left the main Mussorie town and climbed higher towards the tiny hamlet of Landour, traffic began to thin out until the Thar was the only occupant on the road.
As it reached its destination, it droned to a slower pace. The hills watched as strict sentinels when the car came to a halt before tall iron gates of a large mansion. The driver honked loudly till a guard came rushing over to check the occupants. The man sitting beside the driver raised his hand and looked at the guard with a smile. The guard smiled back in recognition and pushed open the huge gates to let the car in.
The car drove down a long winding driveway till it came to a halt before a large portico. A young woman stepped out and looked at the building that stood before her. She was tall, fair and had a light frame. Her longish face was set with wide spaced eyes and a broad forehead. Her hair was parted in the middle and smeared with the red powdery vermillion marking her marital status. A tiny black mole on her left cheek was the only blemish in her flawless skin.
She sighed and smiled nervously at her co-passenger in the car. The young man who had now stepped out and was standing beside her, smiled back nodding encouragingly.
“Welcome home dear.”
They both turned around to find the man who had been seated in the front seat standing behind them. A warm smile was spread across his tired face to complement his greeting.
The man was of average height and had a lean and gaunt look. His silver framed spectacles firmly rested on his sharp nose. His eyes behind the glasses were tired but sharp. His greying hair lay limply across his forehead as he brushed them aside with one hand.
“Are you sure, we will be welcomed here, Lahiri Uncle?” asked the woman apprehensively.
Shyamal Lahiri did not answer but simply looked up at the building in front of them. As he did so, he noticed that light from a single window shone down on them.
The young woman followed his gaze and gulped nervously.
“Come” said Shyamal Lahiri quietly as he walked ahead. The couple followed him as two obedient puppies who had come home after a naughty escapade.
Sitting in his plush study, General Benod Bihari Das put down his glass containing a single peg of Zacapa Royal as he looked up at the sound of footsteps. It was a large room with a huge oak table at one end. A large lampshade stood next to it spreading its dull ochre glow in the room. The walls were covered with an expensive and tasteful wallpaper in geometric patterns. Portraits with ornate borders were the only other decoration that hung on the walls in addition to a large wall clock. Thick brocade curtains were drawn tightly across the large windows to prevent the chilly mountain air from seeping in. A large fire crackled at one corner which made the room warm and cosy. General Das sat on the recliner that stood before the fireplace. His feet up on the ottoman. Oscar, his pet hound, lay comfortably at his feet.
Shyamal Lahiri entered the room and stood silently looking at the man seated before him for some time.
“They are here” he announced solemnly as he held open the door to allow the couple to enter.
General Das pursed his lips as he looked at his visitors critically from under his thick bushy eyebrows. Oscar let out a low growl as the couple entered the room and stopped short. General Das placed his hands on Oscar’s collar to silence him.
“So you finally remembered the old man” he said, the alcohol making him slur slightly.
“Daddy?” whispered the young woman. A large red bindi between her eyebrows glowed in the dim light of the room.
“We wanted to come earlier but you kept us away.” She said moving closer with a rustle of her silk sari. Her bangles making a tinkling sound as she stretched out her hand to give him a hug.
General Das put out his hand to stop her from coming any closer and gave a wry smile.
“So” he said looking at the young man standing next to her “You are the husband”.
The man looked nervously at the man sitting before him. He was tall and lanky and had a thin moustache bordering his lips. His eyes were close set and hair was thick and wavy. He was wearing yellow and black check shirt and brown cotton trousers. His sandals looked old and worn out. He cut a weak and desolate picture before the General who shook his head cynically.
“Well, Lahiri will show you to your rooms.” said General Das dismissively “It is quite late already, and we can talk tomorrow.”
“Oh Daddy! It has been such a long time. Can I give you a hug at least?” said the girl yearningly.
General Das waited for some time before he nodded slowly. The girl rushed over and hugged him tightly.
“That’s all right now” he said clearing his throat as he patted her lightly on the head. “We will talk tomorrow. Remember, breakfast is at 7 am sharp. Don’t be late.”
The girl nodded wiping her tears as she smiled weakly at him before leaving the room followed by her husband and Shyamal Lahiri.
General Das lay back as he slowly caressed Oscar’s head thoughtfully. With the visitors gone, Oscar had also relaxed and was now enjoying the caress.
Shyamal Lahiri returned shortly. “I have asked Mrs. Lobo to take them to their rooms.”
“Lahiri” said General Das without looking at him twirling the glass in his hand thoughtfully. The deep amber liquid glinted in the light from the fireplace “Any news of Annie?”
Shyamal Lahiri pursed his lips and shook his head with a helpless look “Nobody has been able to give us a lead yet. I am doing my best Benod. I have informed the Kolkata police and lodged a missing diary about Annie. She seems to have completely disappeared into thin air. Even Nani says she has not contacted them in all these years.”
“But you have to find her. I cannot die in peace if you don’t” said General Das anxiously.
“Come now Benod. Why talk of death. The doctor did say you are improving” said Shyamal Lahiri coming closer.
“The doctor needs his fees Lahiri” he said giving out a dry laugh “He must keep pacifying us. I can feel my time is coming near. I need to find Annie to clear my conscience. My guilt is growing every day. I cannot take it anymore.” said General Das.
“We are trying everything Benod” said Shyamal Lahiri sighing heavily.
Before leaving, he looked back at his old friend. He felt pained to look at the defeated figure that lay passively on the recliner, a weak shadow of the man he once knew, hollering and ordering his men about. He shook his head sadly as he quietly closed the door behind him.
General Das lay back thoughtfully. He poked the stoker through the grate in the fireplace. The fire crackled as the flames leapt up lighting up the room with its large bright flames. His eyes fell on the portrait that hung on the wall above the mantelpiece. It was a picture of a young girl. There was a deep similarity with the one who had stood before him a few minutes ago. However, it was apparent that the picture was taken several years ago. The girl was wearing a huge overcoat and was smiling. Her eyes were large and almond-shaped, and her hair was tied in a loose bun and a ball of hydrangea blossoms peeked out of the bun nuzzling her shoulder. The picture was in grey scale, but he still remembered the colour of those blossoms. They were blush pink, her favourite.
Shivangi, his only daughter. She had been the apple of his eyes. When she had told him that she loved Shubhankar, the new doctor in the Mussorie government hospital, he was a bit shocked. However, he had agreed to their marriage. Something in the quiet, intense look of the boy who stood beside her had reminded him of his younger days. He had liked him immediately. After their marriage, Shubhankar got transferred and they had left Landour. He missed her terribly but at least he was happy that she had found the right man to take care of her.
Therefore, when her husband died and she arrived at his doorstep looking lost and broken, he was devastated. Then Nandita and Anindita, his twin granddaughters, were born and laughter filled the house once again. Nani and Annie as they were both affectionately called, gave him another reason to fall in love with life again. He had showered them with all his love. He had planned for their education in the best schools and colleges. However, time proved things would never go as planned. Nandita, always the wild one, eloped with a boy when she was in her first year of college and Anindita disappeared soon after that. Nobody knew where she was.
Shivangi fell ill pining for her daughters. Moreover, her father’s unwillingness to forgive Nandita and accept her marriage ate into her heart deeply. She grew frail and her health deteriorated. It was only on her deathbed that General Das promised to search for his granddaughters and call them back to give them their fair share of his property. Shivangi had looked at him and smiled a slow grateful smile that remained etched in her father’s heart forever.
After her cremation, General Das asked Shyamal Lahiri, his long-time friend and lawyer, to start a search for his granddaughters. It was only after two years that they found the whereabouts of Nandita and Somnath, his grandson-in-law. They had moved to Kolkata. Shyamal Lahiri travelled to Kolkata himself and escorted them back to Landour.
However, Anindita was still untraceable. Memories of years gone by always pained his heart. Yet they were all he had in his final years. General Das closed his eyes as a tear spilled over from the corners and rolled down his cheeks. As he wiped off the lone tear, he felt he should be happy that at least there was one closure. However, deep within his heart he felt a sense of incompleteness. As if something was not right.
He wondered why?
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