Two sisters. Alike in appearance but contrary in nature. Both leave home but where one of them returns the other goes missing. Binita Sen steps in to help in another bizarre search after Debts of Desire. Read Chapter 3

The crisp fresh mountain air hit Binita pleasantly as she strolled in the driveway waiting for the taxi that would take them to the town center.
Soon Keya joined her mother. She looked smart in a navy-blue pullover and white jeans. Binita wore an offwhite kurta with a beautiful hand embroidered floral pattern on her bodice in intricate Kashmiri work. She had wrapped a stole around her. There was a slight nip in the air and the stole made her feel comfortable. Despite her short frame her gait was elegant and graceful.
The car arrived on time. Keya and Binita hopped in. Once inside Binita briefed Keya about her plans. They would go their separate ways in the marketplace. Keya could do her sightseeing while Binita would finish off a few things. They would meet at lunch, do some shopping together and then take the taxi back to the hotel before dusk. Keya wanted to accompany her mother, but Binita insisted that she needed to do it by herself.
“I hope you will be careful” said Keya looking worried.
“Don’t be silly Keya. I am not going into a terrorist camp” said Binita laughing “You see if you can find someone interesting” she said winking at her daughter.
Keya just rolled her eyes at her mother and looked out of the window. She had given up arguing on this topic and had decided that ignoring her is the best way.
The Mussorie marketplace or the mall road as it was called was a bustling place of shops and eating joints. The large façade of the Methodist church towered over the area. People went in and out of the colourful shops. In addition to tourists like Keya, there were locals too who entered the shops to get their daily requirements. Keya wandered around doing some window shopping. She entered a handicraft store and picked up a silk scarf. It had a smooth weave and used a beautiful color combination. Having made her payments, she was about to leave when the mention of a familiar name in a conversation behind her, made her stop. She pretended to look at a set of table runners fingering them gingerly while her ears were focused on picking up every bit of the conversation.
“Mr.Lahiri” said a man in a loud raucous voice “heard the General is not doing too well? What does the doctor say?”
The man addressed as Lahiri muttered something which Keya could not catch. The other man continued “Well atleast his granddaughters are here.”
“Yes one of them is with him” said Mr.Lahiri curtly.
“Oh! and what about the other sister?” asked the other man.
“She will be with us soon” said Mr.Lahiri crisply.
“Sad indeed” said the other man clicking his tongue, “Sad to see a family of such repute reduced to this state. All destiny I must say.”
He paused for a while before continuing in a lowered tone.
“By the way, did the General reconsider my proposal?”
“I think we were quite clear Mr.Rawat, the mansion is not for sale” said Mr.Lahiri grimly.
“Oh come now Mr.Lahiri, you are an intelligent man. Drill some sense into the General. He will not be able to maintain his house. By converting it into a homestay, we will keep it as is and in a much better shape. In return we will also give him a share of our revenue. He can also continue to stay on in one wing of the house. Nobody will disturb him there. Moreover, I will not disappoint you too,” he said slyly “It is a perfect deal for everyone.”
“Mr. Rawat, I think there is a need to clarify your confusion” said Mr. Lahiri curtly “Firstly, I may be the General’s friend but I am just their lawyer. I involve myself in their property matters as long as it is within my professional ambit and not beyond that . Therefore, any question of my disappointment or satisfaction in their affairs does not arise. Secondly, the Mansion is not for sale. It belongs to his granddaughters and will remain so till they decide to do anything with it.”
“His granddaughter you mean?” said the other man in a sneering tone. “One of them is yet to be found. Why don’t you tell him that she is no longer alive and finish off the matter? I will handle the other Bagchi girl.”
There was a moment of silence before Mr.Lahiri answered.
“I think you are going way beyond your permitted limits, Mr.Rawat.” said Mr. Lahiri in a stiff, cold voice. “As I mentioned earlier, the General is not keen on selling his property so please do not waste your efforts on him anymore.”
Quick crisp footsteps indicated that Mr.Lahiri had walked out of the store. Keya turned around to notice the portly frame of Mr.Rawat snigger before turning away too. She left the store just in time to see the gaunt frame of Mr. Lahiri get into a black Mahindra 4×4 vehicle which rolled out of the marketplace and sped towards Landour.
She thought about all she had heard. So, the General was under pressure to sell off his property. But did he trust his granddaughters enough to hand it over to them? Was it the real reason to put off his search for them? And what about Mr.Lahiri? Though he showed loyalty towards the General, was he involved in any way? Was it he who was deliberately delaying the search for Anindita?
She wondered what her mother would make of this conversation.
Read Chapter 5
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[…] Two sisters. Alike in appearance but contrary in nature. Both leave home but where one of them returns the other goes missing. Binita Sen steps in to help in another bizarre search after Debts of Desire. Read Chapter 4 […]