The Journey Towards Light


The iron jaws of the furnace clamped shut.

The metal teeth froze against each other closing all doors of escape. The flames of the pyre leapt up higher, their orange tongues licking the roof of the furnace till it gleamed red.

He rose gently. His body felt light and weightless. He had not felt like this for a long time. Stepping out of the flames he looked back brushing the ash from his arms. The familiar faces looked blurry in the gathering smoke.

He smiled and turned around. His eyes met a path ahead strewn with light so bright it almost blinded him. It reminded him of the light from the electric bulbs that had made him squint after the darkness that he was in before being pushed into this world. However, this light was brighter and stronger.

The memory of that other time was faint and blurred. But he remembered the soft warmth that had cuddled him as he swam around in the pitch darkness gurgling in its placid fluidity. That was when he had also felt light just like now.

Everything else between then and now was only a mere vision. He did remember, however, the peace that filled his being when his head rested against the chest, he held so dear. His son, for whom his heart had never stopped beating.

He could hear his son’s heart beat within his chest, anxious, as he cradled his head in his arms and wrapped him around the shoulders to break his fall.

He stood still for a moment and turned back wondering if he could catch a glimpse of that face. One last time.

He peered through the cloud of smoke to catch a brief glimpse of a pair of eyes glistening with unshed tears. But the smoke soon blocked his vision like a dark grey curtain.

He sighed.

The curtain had fallen on his last act. It was time to move into the wings. His part in the theatre of life was well done. At least, he knew he had done his best. That was all that mattered.

A smile that was light like cottony clouds in spring, touched his lips. The light was still blinding. It pierced through his eyes like beams of fire, burning through his empty sockets. He raised his hands to rub his eyes and blinked.

Slowly with unsure steps he moved ahead. With every step, it became better. The light made it easier. He was getting used to it now. With every step, he felt lighter, freer and at peace. He wondered if knowing that would make his son feel happy. It was still what he wanted the most.

He plodded ahead but stopped when he heard his name being called. He looked up to see his brothers waiting for him with a smile. They looked younger and happier than he remembered them. They beckoned him to join them.

It was then he knew that he had reached the path of eternal light.  It was a long and tiring journey but one that he had travelled with diligence. His work was done. He had left behind a world for people to believe in self-less love, dedication, and devotion. He had left a marker for others to continue from where he had left.

Could there be more peace than that?

He smiled. It was finally time to rest.

Cover image courtesy: Johannes Plenio on Pexels.

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