Annapurna – The Provider

Mohini sat stonily on the bench in the OPD section of the Government Medical College and Hospital in Nagpur’s Medical Square area. She gingerly caressed her wrists that were tied in a sling with a dupatta. Mohit, her son, had done it for her. He was in the eighth grade and had recently participated in a Boy Scout camp where they had taught him how to do first aid. He wanted to be a doctor when he grew up and Mohini wanted to make sure he had the means to…

The Debts of Desire – Part 2 – Keya investigates

Quick RecapAnu invites Keya for her first Anniversary where she will be gifted with a family heirloom, a grand Tiara studded with diamond and Blue sapphire. Keya arrives for the party in the opulent ITC Royal Bengal . However, in a strange and tragic turn of events, Anu meets a fatal end. Read Part 1 Keya was the first to reach Anu. She felt her pulse. It was weak but she could feel the faint throb. “Doctor!” screamed Keya “We need a Doctor. Can somebody call a doctor please?” “Let’s…

The Debts of Desire – Part 1 – Anu’s Party

6.00 am 21st October 2019 Keya stood glancing at her watch impatiently as she waited for Anu who was late as usual. She tightened her pony tail and stretched her arms. It was a good five minutes later that she saw Anu walking towards her. “What’s with the glum face?” said Anu as she approached her friend looking cheerful. “Not everybody has an anniversary and a diamond tiara to look forward to. Some people have to report to work on time or get their salary deducted” said Keya making a…

The Prodigal’s Homecoming

Joel thought he would never be home again. He stood on the 17th floor of his plush condominium staring down into the street below. Traffic had reduced to half its usual flow. The virus had forced Dubai and the rest of the world to slow down. Joel paced restlessly and flopped down on the sofa. He looked around at the beautifully decorated room that had been his home for the last two years. Life had been so good. The job offer was irresistible. He knew it would give him the…

The Songs of Spring

Nusrat Naaz was born on the same day as her mother Nadira. However, the three decades that separated their birth day did make a lot of difference. As Nusrat, waited by her daughter’s writhing body, she let her mind go back to the moment 60 years ago when she had first held Nadira in her arms. Her pearly white skin nuzzling against her warm breast as she suckled tentatively at first and then with a new found gusto. It was a happy moment. The skies were ablaze with the colours…

Short Story – The Room Below

The Fear Mira was scared. They seemed to be all over the place. The men in white wearing stiff black caps with huge black pistols hugging their waists. She did not know why but the sight of uniformed police men swarming her neighbour’s compound made her go cold. “There! There! Can you see his legs hanging? Can you see it Mira?” Latika, her maid, was pointing out to her excitedly. “Stop it Latika!” her mother had chided the maid. “Take Mira downstairs. Can’t you see she is scared?” Saddened at…