The Dress

Mala waited anxiously to see if the dress would fit her. She had fallen for it the moment she saw it. It was a pretty lacy ensemble with pink and white floral prints embossed all over it. She knew from the moment she saw the dress that it belonged to Kavyaa. Though her daughter would need to put on some weight to get into the dress perfectly, but Mala would wait.  As soon as the doctors removed the tubes and the pipes from her baby, Kavyaa would grow into the…

The Clock

Tick Tock! Tick Tock! Tick Tock! It would simply go on all day grating on Gandharv’s senses! Its incessant rusty twang was fast accelerating from an irritation to becoming intolerable. Sometimes he wished he could simply wrench it out of the wall where it was lodged since forever and throw it out. The Clock was a headache. Moreover, it gave the wrong time and would groan out a gong at the wrong hour of the day. Gandharv however, was not invested with the power to announce its banishment from the…

A Rainbow Called Rajaji

  It was in the mellow month of March when we decided to raid the jungles of Rajaji in the hopes of exploring its varied fauna. We, however, ended up getting more than what we had bargained. We got to experience a picturesque rainbow sprayed across this rich jungle land and of course the proverbial pot of Gold at its end. Cock-a-doodle let me show off my colours to you We perked up our ears at the faint rustle in the bushes nearby. Out popped a bright red crown, set…

The Window Seat

  Sukanya knew it was him the moment he boarded the bus. The slouched shoulders and the bushy eyebrows could not belong to anybody else. His hair had thinned out no doubt. Sukanya smiled as she remembered how she had loved running her hand through the thick mane once upon a time. It seemed like time had left her standing at the same place where he had left her or was it she who refused to move? “ Was Sukanya’s love able to defy the mere constraints set by death?…

A Few Square Feet

A few square feet can make all the difference. My childhood was spent in the comfort of a spacious apartment in a prime location ignorant of the agonies of house hunting which most people often have to go through. My first brush with this exciting adventure came when I was about to get married. My fiance was adamant that we shall buy our own apartment before we say “I do”. Hence we started a search for that little dream house – that perfect haven, our own little nook of happiness far away from this big bad world. However, our interactions with…