The King’s Offering

Mohan settled down in his usual place near the traffic signal. He looked up and realised she was still there on the other side of the road. He averted his eyes quickly though not before she had shifted her gaze too. It seemed that neither could face each other – the little girl in a worn down printed dress and the one- armed beggar. The father and the daughter. He willed her to leave but knew she would be there till he was done. It was the same everyday ever…

A Rainbow Called Rajaji

  It was in the mellow month of March when we decided to raid the jungles of Rajaji in the hopes of exploring its varied fauna. We, however, ended up getting more than what we had bargained. We got to experience a picturesque rainbow sprayed across this rich jungle land and of course the proverbial pot of Gold at its end. Cock-a-doodle let me show off my colours to you We perked up our ears at the faint rustle in the bushes nearby. Out popped a bright red crown, set…