A Rainbow Called Rajaji

  It was in the mellow month of March when we decided to raid the jungles of Rajaji in the hopes of exploring its varied fauna. We, however, ended up getting more than what we had bargained. We got to experience a picturesque rainbow sprayed across this rich jungle land and of course the proverbial pot of Gold at its end. Cock-a-doodle let me show off my colours to you We perked up our ears at the faint rustle in the bushes nearby. Out popped a bright red crown, set…

The Goodness about the Taj Mahal

There is a strange feeling of goodness that strikes my heart every time I visit the Taj Mahal. While most of my friends have complained of the dingy dirty lanes that lead up to this monument of love and the long serpentine queues that snake all its way to the entrance, I have somehow been able to rise above the mundane and managed to remain oblivious to the surroundings. As I trudged on through the rigors of the entry process paraphernalia (namely security checks and bag searches) I could feel…