Chilapata National Park

The Journey to Chilapata Begins Travelling to Chilapata National Park was an impulsive decision. Nevertheless, I will always be thankful for all such impulses that lead me into wondrous worlds which I would have otherwise been oblivious to. We boarded the 8.20 pm KanchanKanya Express hopeful of energising ourselves and rising from the urban stupor that was fast enclosing us in its deathly grip. We desperately wanted to be thrown into lush greenery and spend 3 days in serene bliss. However, what we got was more than the ordinary ‘bliss’ that…

Day 19: Suntalekhola – The Sound of Silence

It was supposed to be a quiet family outing to Gorumara in North Bengal with a few adhoc places thrown in between. Somebody quipped in with a suggestion for a trip to Suntalekhola and we all nodded casually little knowing how much that nod would change our whole lives. Suntalekhola is a quaint little settlement located at a distance of 5 km from Samsing in the Darjeeling District in the Northern part of the Indian state of West Bengal. It drapes around itself a mantle of solitude, but yet is able…