Chilapata National Park

The Journey to Chilapata Begins Travelling to Chilapata National Park was an impulsive decision. Nevertheless, I will always be thankful for all such impulses that lead me into wondrous worlds which I would have otherwise been oblivious to. We boarded the 8.20 pm KanchanKanya Express hopeful of energising ourselves and rising from the urban stupor that was fast enclosing us in its deathly grip. We desperately wanted to be thrown into lush greenery and spend 3 days in serene bliss. However, what we got was more than the ordinary ‘bliss’ that…

Monsoon, Magic, Madness all @ Matheran

The Mumbai-Pune Highway stretched out in front of us. Its sides were beautifully lined with the red sparkles of the Gulmohur blossoms. Ahead of us we could behold the mountains that rose shyly from the embrace of the clouds as they lazily caressed their crevices. Our trip to Matheran had begun and we were getting ready to be ensnared by its magic. Lying coquettishly on the gorgeously green Mumbai-Pune Highway Matheran is quite the idyllic getaway that lures tired souls on wet monsoon weekends. Though the cool and pleasant summer…