Monsoon, Magic, Madness all @ Matheran

The Mumbai-Pune Highway stretched out in front of us. Its sides were beautifully lined with the red sparkles of the Gulmohur blossoms. Ahead of us we could behold the mountains that rose shyly from the embrace of the clouds as they lazily caressed their crevices. Our trip to Matheran had begun and we were getting ready to be ensnared by its magic. Lying coquettishly on the gorgeously green Mumbai-Pune Highway Matheran is quite the idyllic getaway that lures tired souls on wet monsoon weekends. Though the cool and pleasant summer…

A Rainbow Called Rajaji

  It was in the mellow month of March when we decided to raid the jungles of Rajaji in the hopes of exploring its varied fauna. We, however, ended up getting more than what we had bargained. We got to experience a picturesque rainbow sprayed across this rich jungle land and of course the proverbial pot of Gold at its end. Cock-a-doodle let me show off my colours to you We perked up our ears at the faint rustle in the bushes nearby. Out popped a bright red crown, set…

The Tryst with Tripura

“JAISING – Sire, could I make the goat live again, by giving up a portion of my life, gladly would I do it. But how can I restore that which Mother herself has taken? APARNA – Mother has taken? It is a lie. Not mother, but demon. JAISING – O, the blasphemy! APARNA – Mother, art thou there to rob a poor girl of her love? Then where is the throne, before which to condemn thee? Tell me, King. GOVINDA – I am silent, my child. I have no answer. APARNA – This blood-streak running down…

Tales of Temples and Treks in Mukteshwar

As the sun peeked out from behind Shiva’s matted tresses, he glistened with pleasure at what he saw. The demon lay defeated at the Lord’s feet praying for his forgiveness. Shiva in all benevolence granted him ‘Mukti’ or liberation. “Lord” said the sun “You have displayed your unparalleled greatness yet again”. Shiva gave his divine […] via Tales of Temples and Treks in Mukteshwar — SoWeTravelBlog

The Goodness about the Taj Mahal

There is a strange feeling of goodness that strikes my heart every time I visit the Taj Mahal. While most of my friends have complained of the dingy dirty lanes that lead up to this monument of love and the long serpentine queues that snake all its way to the entrance, I have somehow been able to rise above the mundane and managed to remain oblivious to the surroundings. As I trudged on through the rigors of the entry process paraphernalia (namely security checks and bag searches) I could feel…

Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary – The Melody of Silence

Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary – The Melody of Silence As I looked into the darkening canopy of Kadamb trees awaiting our convoy of rickshaw vans, I realized there was certainly something strangely alluring in the surrounding silence. As we progressed further into the foliage I knew what it was. The silence around us was making its presence more pronounced with the soulful melodies created by the call of the peacock and the cooing rhapsody of the laughing doves. Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary did indeed have the power to create the strains of…

Two women, the Sea and a day at the Beach – Travelling to Pondicherry

As the sun kissed the pale blue waters of the Bay of Bengal till they sparkled and glistened with pride, I watched from the shore as Kaifu pushed his fishing boat into the high tide. His friends were already aboard the boat and looked on as Kaifu gave the final push and jumped in. As he shaded his eyes from the scorching sun and looked back, I thought he smiled at me. Surprised, I followed his eyes to find that it was actually his newly-wed wife, Meeramma standing next to…

Bahariya – A Promise Fulfilled

Badru squinted his eyes against the sun as he trooped ahead with yet another group of excited tourists towards the milky white T-shaped structure looming ahead of them. As he waited patiently for the slower ones to catch up with the rest of the group, he looked around the vast expanse of white sand that surrounded him and his group. This was the White Desert in the Bahariya Oasis. Badru, a Bedouin was born in this desert. This was his home and his heart and he loved bringing people to…

Enigmatic Edinburgh

When we visited Edinburgh in the month of May this year I could feel a strange quality of magnetism in the place which attracted me. However, naïve as I was I could not really put my finger on what created that magnetism. Now as I sit down to write this blog and sift through the pictures we had taken that I realise what a fool I had been. How could I miss such an obvious thing? Edinburgh, the city of Scots, the second most important financial district after London displays…

Lost in the Lakes

Our vacations started off a little late as we couldn’t quite decide whether we wanted to see green or greener (a term coined by us) to soothe our tired urban eyes. We chose the latter but what we got was probably greenest (again coined by us). As we stepped into the English Lake district we were immediately transported back several centuries when the world was all poetry and life was just a walk in the clouds. As we looked up the undulating hills and noticed the quaint little cottages snuggled…